About Me

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Yup, I admit it..I'm a grandma!! But I still love having fun, sports, and rock & roll! I enjoy my family, friends, and Granger Community Church family. If I'm not home you can probably find me at Borders or Starbucks!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


B O O !!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


"One always looks neat, in a hat made from meat."
-Mark Twain

Monday, October 15, 2007


I just spent the weekend with my grandbaby, Alex. We had a lot of fun reading books, playing, and exploring the Nashville sites. He seemed to be the center of attention wherever we went. Whether it was breakfast at the Loveless Cafe or the local Harley Davidson dealership, he seemed to be able to turn on the southern charm!!!

Monday, October 08, 2007


Ahhh...who doesn't love the movies!!?? A time to get lost in another time or place and forget the day to day grind. Sometimes I enjoy a comedy and sometimes I prefer action/adventure. And yes, I even love to cry over a chick-flick every now and then! I found this list of movie cliches that made me chuckle...enjoy!!


Glasses never collect moisture when you come in from the cold outside.

People never cough, sneeze, blow their noses, or show any other symptoms of being in less than perfect health.

You can eat as much as you want in a film and you'll never EVER have to go to the bathroom

Bombs always have big, blinking, beeping timer displays. Evil geniuses who devise bombs to destroy things/people are always thoughtful enough to include a visible display (usually LED) of how much time remains before the bomb detonates, giving the hero accurate feedback on exactly how much time remains.

A car will always explode when shot at, unless the hero is driving it.

No one ever runs out of gas (even in long car chases). Corollary: every stolen car has a full gas tank and gets great gas mileage.

All movie women try to run in heels, never stopping to kick them off.

Whenever anyone knocks out anyone else and takes their clothes, it's always a flawless fit. When you go to rob a bank in a film, you will always choose the teller who has just started his or her first day on the job.

All movie mothers will prepare a breakfast, usually consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon, etc. Dad and the kids will invariably arrive at the table 30 seconds before Dad has to leave for the office and the kids have to catch the school bus. Each will have time only for a sip of coffee/juice and/or one bite of toast. There must be enough food left over in these homes to feed an emerging nation!

People never get out of the house when there is obvious danger there (ghosts, murderers). The hero will always get shot in the shoulder, yet will be able to use his arm.

A kid can fend for himself even if his parents have gone to Paris, leaving him with no food, electricity, heat, money, etc.

Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright ("boing!") in bed. Instead of just lying there going "eeewww!" as most of us do. .

Whenever a woman announces to her husband/boyfriend that she's pregnant, it comes as a complete surprise to him, whether pleasantly or otherwise.
No one is in labor for hours and hours... they pop out babies in a matter of minutes.

Whenever anyone in a movie goes shopping, they always come back with stuff sticking out of the top of the shopping bag, usually carrot tops and French bread.

In any type of sport movie, a player on the field can look up into a crowd of 1 billion and immediately spot their loved one.