About Me

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Yup, I admit it..I'm a grandma!! But I still love having fun, sports, and rock & roll! I enjoy my family, friends, and Granger Community Church family. If I'm not home you can probably find me at Borders or Starbucks!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Psalm 106:6-12

I read this passage this morning, God.
I see the Red Sea before me.
I thought I could get across by moving to the right...but there was just more sandy shore.
So I ran to the left where I thought I saw a bridge! It was only a short pier that jutted out a short distance and stopped.
I'm feeling kind of trapped.
I'm not afraid of the water. I've learned to be a good swimmer.
I'm just not sure I have the strength, energy, or even the determination to try swimming across.
Then I read how you helped the Israelites by rebuking the sea and it dried up.
On the spot.
You paraded them right through the middle. No one so much as got their feet wet.
I'm throwing away the snorkel and flippers and waiting on You to part my Red Sea.

"and they believed His words were true and broke out in songs of praise!"

Friday, July 25, 2008

Condiment Collection

I've had my share of collections. Seashells, glass figurines, Disney snowglobes. My husband collects swords, pictures of old TV shows and his latest endeavor is collecting hubcaps (don't ask!). My sons loved to collect baseball cards and would spend every last dime of their allowance to get the latest Barry Bonds or Michael Jordan card. But, this collection was a new one on me! To think that this guy has the time and patience to rinse out each condiment wrapper, and catgorize it by type.


Friday, July 18, 2008


God laughs when we make plans....

I thought I had it pretty well figured out. I had a plan. An agenda. A "to-do" list that would accomplish what I wanted to accomplish. A goal that I could reach. I felt comfortable with my new focus. I've come to the conclusion that God never wants us to "get comfortable". I think He delights in throwing conflicts into our dayplanners. It makes us trust Him. It allows Him to work through us in ways that we would not think of nor give energy to if left on our own. We are stretched...but growing pains are uncomfortable, even painful at times. As I look back at my carefully made plans that do not even make sense anymore, I realize how important they seemed at the time, but now I'm seeing a bigger picture. I'm still not sure how the story ends...but I trust in the one who does.
"I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own;
it is not for man to direct his steps" Jeremiah 10:23

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


Terry & I served this afternoon/evening at Manowe. We helped prepare and serve dinner to one of the 5 Star Camps. I must say, it felt good to help Mary, the cook, who was sooooo appreciative to have us come and work with her. Many say they are going to come help...but don't show she told us. It's a lot of work to service Manowe like we do GCC...."With Excellence"!! What a great place! What a blessing! What a great outreaching facility that God is using!! Check it out!

Friday, July 04, 2008


Wow! That's all I can say after New Community last night!! I must admit I was shocked and disappointed in some of the survey results...but excited to hear that the church is meeting this problem "head on". I don't like change. I'll admit it. But, I am optimistic about what God is going to do through his people at GCC. Coming from a strict, Baptist background, it was hard for me to fathom that many of our attenders do not even "get" basic doctrine. Maybe it is time to pull the soft cushions off the pews and step on some toes. Will we lose some attenders? Maybe. But what we will gain will be more valuable and rewarding. May God get the Glory!!!