About Me

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Yup, I admit it..I'm a grandma!! But I still love having fun, sports, and rock & roll! I enjoy my family, friends, and Granger Community Church family. If I'm not home you can probably find me at Borders or Starbucks!!

Saturday, December 30, 2006


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."

I'm having a hard time swallowing this verse these days...how is joy possible when going through trouble? I'm not experiencing any pleasure from my pain, God, and I'm not really sure about the persevering part. I guess I'm to take comfort in the fact that You are in control of everything in my life right now...and that you are going to work through this pain to develop in me whatever it is you feel I need......endurance? patience?? trust????

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

Okay, God, whatever.......

Friday, December 22, 2006


The preparations are done...gifts bought and wrapped....cookies baked. Now I just wait for my family to arrive and celebrate Christmas. Last evening I had the priveledge to serve holy communion at my church. What a meaningful experience for me...it really put my Christmas in perspective. It is so easy to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle of the season and forget the simpleness and quietness of what this holiday is really all about...not only the birth of Jesus but the knowledge that this baby would be destined to die. For me.... As I anticipate the birth of my first grandchild in January, I reflect upon the bittersweet emotions Mary must have had...she truely was a special woman and I don't feel we honor her enough. I intend to spend some quiet, reflective times this weekend.....

Friday, December 15, 2006


And we will worship the power and glory of shoes, and gaze in awe at the abundance of styles, colors, and heel heights, and thank the Creator for such a wonderful world!!!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

A recent trip to Nashville took us to the Opryland hotel which is decked out in all its Christmas finery. Christmas lights and poinsettas galore...it's hard to not get into the spirit of the holidays while surrounded by glitz, sparkle, and, of course, a little "opry" Christmas tunes!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I didn't sleep well last night....I had a headache and I got out of bed several times to take one of my prescription migraine meds but since my insurance company has decided that I can only have 9 headaches per month...I'd get back into bed to try to "fight it out" and save any pills in case I get a "worse" headache later. What is wrong with this??! Someone in an office somewhere is not only dictating how well I sleep, my comfort level, and my quality of life. I do not know this person and they do not know me. But they have fit me into a formula of what they think is "reasonable and customary". I'm going to make a phone call to my insurance company...it probably won't allow me any more pills on my RX but it may help me sleep better tonight!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Change your thoughts and you will change your world.
Norman Vincent Peale

I saw this quote today. Is this possible? That world change can start with me? My thoughts? Hhmmm....the more I think about it the more I agree. I have found that the older I become the less opinionated and untolerant to new ideas I become. Yes, I still have issues that I stand firm on. I have definate, strong beliefs that I hold dear yet I feel less compelled to browbeat others with these thoughts. I am still able to love and be friends with someone who may have a difference of opinion. I find myself being stretched these days and I think that is a good thing. Maybe my thoughts don't necessarily have to change but just widen out a bit...change the world??? Hhmmm...Possibly.

Friday, November 17, 2006

It's all over the news....people camping out in front of my neighborhood "Best Buy" for three days in order to pay $600 for one of 34 playstation 3's. I'ts been raining and cold, two of the campers even were robbed....all for a video game?? I ask myself, what is it that I am so obsessed with and passionate over that I would give my money and , more sacrificially, my time for. I hope that it is something more than stuff. I hope that it is something with real value. I hope that it is something that won't be replaced with a " new & improved" model in a few short months. Family, church, friends come to mind. As Thanksgiving approaches this week and I get ready to prepare for the holidays I am going to try to remind myself to not get caught up in all the pressure and stress. Let me be thankful and joyful and not have a "Playstation" mentality.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Preach the gospel always...and if necessary use words"
St. Francis of Assissi