About Me

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Yup, I admit it..I'm a grandma!! But I still love having fun, sports, and rock & roll! I enjoy my family, friends, and Granger Community Church family. If I'm not home you can probably find me at Borders or Starbucks!!

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Well, today is my birthday. The day before the fourth. It is a day filled with firecrackers and sparklers and dogs barking AND I get to eat cake and ice cream too! I have always loved having a July birthday. It has always seemed like all of America was celebrating me. Happy Birthday America...and Happy Birthday to me!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Great Strides

Not too late to sponsor me for this weekend's walk!!!

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

The Healthcare Dilemma

I lost my job last week. Upon the passage of the Healthcare Reform Bill, medicare reimbursements will be cut and my physician could not afford to keep all his staff. I wonder if those in favor of this bill realized the impact it would have on the economy, our society, THEIR OWN healthcare? Do they realize that this "free" healthcare they envision will come at a price? Less healthcare workers to provide for them...and the ones who are left have less incentive to treat them in a timely manner. Less healthcare workers mean less people spending money on "things"...thus creating a ripple effect. Soon stores, restaurants, beauty salons will begin to feel the pinch as more and more people tighten their belts. I am only one in a number of people who went into healthcare for the security. That security is gone. I also went into healthcare because I felt a strong need to help my fellow man...unfortunately my fellow man just wants a hand out not a hand up.
I think things are going to get worse. Too bad people were so misinformed.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Trash to Treasure

Next Sunday we Christians celebrate Easter. To us, it is more than a day filled with egg hunts and chocolate bunnies. It is a day of hope.
This Easter, more than ever, I am comforted in the fact that my Lord is risen. He is alive and actively involved in my life. There have been many days of discouragement as of late. I shudder to think how I would have been able to get through them without a hope that God is in control of ALL things and I do not have to fear what the future holds.
I'm also glad that He has made the way to Him simple, and that He doesn't judge us on the grading scale that others use for us. I heard it said once that God looks for His children in "reject bins". Yup, that would be me. I'm glad He didn't leave me there.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

**For 2010...**

Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words;
Be careful of your words, for your words become your deeds;
Be careful of your deeds, for your deeds become your habits;
Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character;
Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny.
