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Yup, I admit it..I'm a grandma!! But I still love having fun, sports, and rock & roll! I enjoy my family, friends, and Granger Community Church family. If I'm not home you can probably find me at Borders or Starbucks!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

think on these things

I've sat under some incredible teaching recently. Between the "Sound Vows"-marriage series on the weekends at GCC, the "Grace" series taught the past 4 New Communities by Dr. Bob, and a recent marriage workshop....my mind has been swimming with words of wisdom and inspiration. Here's a few that I thought were particularly worth remembering:

"You're going to be a slave to somebody, either Christ or yourself (your own agenda) "-Dr. Bob

"You can not judge people and love them at the same time"--Dr. Bob

"When I need revenge, am unable to forgive, unable to forgive a hurt..I'm saying God isn't enough"---Dr. Bob

"Low self esteem is the flip side of conceit ( it's all about me)"--Kathy Guy

"You want God to get your heart, you put your eyes on Him. When you spend time looking at God and who He is, He'll get your heart"--Mark Beeson

"How much do you love God? The amount of love you give the person you love the least"--Dr. Bob

"Grace defies reason and logic. There are consequences to actions- that is the point of the death of Christ. If only we could be a bit more like Him--the world would be transformed"--Bono

Good Stuff.

1 comment:

Tom Klopfenstein said...

Great truths Sherry. Thanks for posting them!