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Yup, I admit it..I'm a grandma!! But I still love having fun, sports, and rock & roll! I enjoy my family, friends, and Granger Community Church family. If I'm not home you can probably find me at Borders or Starbucks!!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Psalm 106:6-12

I read this passage this morning, God.
I see the Red Sea before me.
I thought I could get across by moving to the right...but there was just more sandy shore.
So I ran to the left where I thought I saw a bridge! It was only a short pier that jutted out a short distance and stopped.
I'm feeling kind of trapped.
I'm not afraid of the water. I've learned to be a good swimmer.
I'm just not sure I have the strength, energy, or even the determination to try swimming across.
Then I read how you helped the Israelites by rebuking the sea and it dried up.
On the spot.
You paraded them right through the middle. No one so much as got their feet wet.
I'm throwing away the snorkel and flippers and waiting on You to part my Red Sea.

"and they believed His words were true and broke out in songs of praise!"

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